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Chris Bumstead Revealed His Mass Gain Nutrition Day

 Three-time winner Mr. Olympia Classic Physique Chris Bumstead recently shared his Full Day Mass Gain Diet (see video below). After defending his title at Olympia 2021, he took a break to allow his body to recover from the stress of competition. However, the recent battle with Covid-19 has resulted in significant weight loss as Bumstead is currently 28 lb (13 kg) lighter than his normal offseason weight.

Chris Bumstead Reveals His Mass Gain Nutrition Day

The 26-year-old athlete has returned to the gym. Chris Bumstead needs to gain mass to compete in the 2022 Olympia. He showed his weight gain food in a recent video on his YouTube channel.

At the beginning of the video, Chris calculated the required daily calorie intake based on gender, age, height, weight, activity level, and goal (weight gain) in the mobile app. An approximate estimate of the daily calorie intake for weight gain was as follows:

Calories - 4160 kcal

     Protein - 240 g.

     Carbohydrates - 480 g.

     Fat - 140 g.

According to Bumstead, consuming at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is the most important factor in gaining weight, while other macronutrients are a rough estimate. He doesn't mind consuming a little extra protein, but he reduces other macronutrients proportionally as protein intake increases.

His daily diet consists of two large meals and three small meals. He prefers to eat this food in the morning and later during the day when he has a high appetite.

Meal 1 - Breakfast (large)

(Total Calories - 1030)

Chris Bumstead's day begins with a smoothie made with berries, supplements, and oatmeal in water. He prefers water to milk because smoothies are easier to digest and glutamine, greens, and fiber aid digestion.

Smoothie Ingredients:



     Banana - half




     Whey Protein Isolate - 1 Scoop


     Oatmeal - 70 grams.

He then proceeded to prepare breakfast while sipping on a smoothie. On this day, breakfast consisted of:

     Whole eggs - 3

     Toast - 3 slices with half an avocado on top


Chris may have to increase his diet to three large meals from his current diet of two depending on how his body reacts.

Meal 2 - Pre-Workout Meal (Small)

(Total Calories - 620)

Chris's Pre-Workout Meal is made up of simple, everyday ingredients and consists of:

     White rice - 280 gr.

     Minced turkey - 170 gr.

     Shredded salad

     Broccoli sprouts (raw)


He has included broccoli sprouts in his diet as they help detoxify estrogen. Cooking broccoli sprouts can reduce their nutritional value. So Bumstead sprinkles them on his food during the meal.

Meal 3 - Post Workout Meal (Small)

(Total Calories - 500)

    White rice - 100 gr.

    Sesame Chicken.

Chris typically consumes MegaFit Sesame Chicken after training. However, he added rice to match the recommended carbohydrate intake.

Meal 4 (large)

(Total Calories - 1170)

The second large meal contains a significant proportion of carbohydrates and consists of:

    Brown rice paste - 160 grams.

    Ground beef - 225 gr.

    Pasta sauce.

He uses glucose tablets along with high carbohydrate meals. Berberine and chromium control blood sugar levels and also help deliver nutrients to muscles. When it comes to high-carb foods, he prefers pasta and sweet potatoes.

Meal 5 - last meal of the day

(Total Calories - 1170)

The last meal consists of his favorite foods and includes:

    Protein pancakes with chocolate chips

    Chocolate Milkshake (Water + 1.5 Scoops Whey Protein Isolate + Glutamine).

The total calorie intake per day was:

    Caloric content - 4120

    Protein - 264 g.

    Carbohydrates - 500 g.

    Fat - 120 g.

Chris Bumstead's macronutrients matched his desired range and easily hit his daily protein goal. If he stays on track and continues to progress, there is no denying that it will be difficult for anyone to beat him at the 2022 Mr.Olympia.

Read how Chris Bumstead radically improved his back muscles.



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