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Bodybuilding Body Types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph

Which Type Do You Belong to?

Human genetics determine many of the inherent characteristics that we are born with and cannot be changed later in life. However, through regular training and exercise, it is possible to overcome some of the limitations imposed by our genes. In 1940, William Sheldon introduced three distinct body types in his work "The Varieties of Human Physique", which is still used in medicine, science, and sports today.

These three body types are known as ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. However, it is important to note that these body types are generalizations and not everyone will fit neatly into one category, as most people are a combination of these body types, with only some aspects of each present in their overall physique.

Genetics. Bodybuilding body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph

When it comes to bodybuilding, understanding your body type can make a significant impact on your training and nutrition plan. It can help you to reach your bodybuilding goals more effectively by learning how to work with it and creating a customized training and nutrition plan that works best for your body.

Ectomorph Body Type

The ectomorph body type is characterized by slim build and slightly muscular physique, narrow shoulders, hips, and chest, as well as slow regeneration, slow muscle building, and low fat accumulation.

While ectomorphs may find it challenging to build large muscles, they should not be discouraged from pursuing bodybuilding. In fact, they have several advantages, including a fast metabolism and the ability to consume large quantities of high-calorie foods without gaining much fat. Ectomorphs also have an easier time maintaining a healthy diet and can quickly get in shape by losing body fat in as little as 3-4 weeks.

To overcome their challenges, ectomorphs need to focus on high-volume weight training that targets all muscle groups. Compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, and pull-ups should form the foundation of their workout routine. They should also incorporate progressive overload training methods to challenge their muscles and encourage growth.

In terms of nutrition, ectomorphs need to eat a calorie surplus to support muscle growth. It's important to consume a balanced diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Additionally, ectomorphs may need to supplement their diet with protein shakes, weight gainers, and other supplements to meet their nutritional needs.

Athletes with an ectomorph body type are well-suited for male fitness or classic bodybuilding. One inspiring example of an ectomorph who achieved great success in bodybuilding is Frank Zane, three-time Mr. Olympia winner.

Overall, while ectomorphs may face unique challenges in bodybuilding, they can still achieve impressive results with dedication, hard work, and a tailored training and nutrition plan.

Mesomorph Body Type

People who have mesomorphic type are perfectly predisposed to bodybuilding because they have the best conditions to build muscle. Mesomorphic people are predisposed to moderate fat accumulation, they can also reduce body fat easily and they have optimal metabolism and recovery, they are able to quickly build muscle and gain strength, and reduce body fat if it is necessary. This is especially important for professional bodybuilders, as the right approach to diet leads to success much faster.

The mesomorph body type is characterized by a muscular and athletic build, with broad shoulders and a naturally proportional body shape.

However, they may also be prone to gaining fat if they do not maintain a balanced diet and exercise routine. Mesomorphs need to be cautious of overeating and may need to incorporate cardio and conditioning workouts into their routine to maintain a lean physique.

To maximize their potential, mesomorphs should focus on a balanced weight training program that emphasizes progressive overload and compound movements. They may also benefit from incorporating some isolation exercises to target specific muscle groups. Rest and recovery are also essential for mesomorphs to avoid overtraining and burnout.

In terms of nutrition, mesomorphs should consume a diet that supports muscle growth while maintaining a healthy body fat percentage. A balanced diet with adequate protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is essential. Mesomorphs may need to adjust their calorie intake based on their goals and activity level, with a slight calorie surplus to support muscle growth.

Examples of successful mesomorph bodybuilders include Arnold Schwarzenegger, eight-time Mr. Olympia winner, and Ronnie Coleman, who won the Mr. Olympia title eight times as well.

Mesomorphs can achieve remarkable outcomes in bodybuilding by adhering to a customized training and nutrition program that leverages their inherent strengths and addresses any potential obstacles.

Endomorph Body Type

The endomorph body type is characterized by broad shoulders, big chest, a thicker bone structure, wider hips than ectomorphs and mesomorphs. They typically have a slower metabolism. As a result, they have a tendency to store excess body fat, making it challenging to burn body fat.

However, endomorphs have a unique advantage in bodybuilding - they have good recovery and can build muscle more easily than the other body types. This is because their bodies are designed to store energy in the form of fat, making them less reliant on muscle tissue for energy. With proper training and nutrition, endomorphs can build impressive amounts of muscle and strength.

One of the biggest challenges for endomorphs is maintaining a low body fat percentage. To achieve this, they need to focus on a structured exercise program that combines strength training with cardio and conditioning workouts. This will help them burn excess fat while building and maintaining muscle mass. Endomorphs may also benefit from incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into their routine, as it has been shown to increase metabolism and improve body composition.

Also, they are predisposed to water retention which makes it more difficult to get the appearance of muscle separation and definition.

Nutrition is also critical for endomorphs. They need to consume a diet that supports muscle growth while also promoting fat loss. This may require tracking calorie intake and macronutrient ratios to ensure they are consuming enough protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Endomorphs should also be mindful of their portion sizes and food choices, as their bodies are more prone to storing excess calories as fat.

Examples of successful endomorph bodybuilders include Dorian Yates, a six-time Mr. Olympia winner, and Jay Cutler, a four-time Mr. Olympia winner. By focusing on a structured exercise program and a tailored nutrition plan, endomorphs can achieve impressive results in bodybuilding while managing their unique challenges.


In conclusion, understanding your body type is crucial for achieving your bodybuilding goals. Ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs all have unique characteristics and advantages that can be leveraged for success and the history of fitness and bodybuilding has proven it many times.

Regardless of your body type, it's important to approach bodybuilding with dedication and persistence. Building muscle and achieving a low body fat percentage takes time, effort, and consistency. Don't be discouraged by setbacks or slow progress - keep pushing forward and trust in the process.

In the end, bodybuilding is about more than just achieving a certain physique. It's about cultivating a sense of discipline, determination, and self-improvement. Whether you're an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph, embrace your body type and use it as a launching pad to achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself.


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