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The Way to Become 100% Self-Confident

How to Become Confident?

Approaching my 42nd birthday, life brought significant changes—spiritual transformations and shifts in my relationship with my wife. Amidst these events, a crucial realization dawned on me, forever dividing my life into a before and after.

I realized that to gain self-confidence and self-sufficiency, it is crucial to accept oneself as one truly is.

It hit me—self-confidence and self-sufficiency hinged on accepting myself wholly and authentically. Embracing my virtues, flaws, fears, past experiences, and everything that once troubled my mind, I found liberation. I embraced every aspect, without exception, ushering in a profound shift in my mindset.

Once I grasped this truth, the fear of judgment and criticism dissipated. Other's opinions became their concern, not mine. This newfound self-assurance left me wondering: was shedding fear and gaining confidence two sides of the same coin? Yet, the undeniable transformation brought relief, as if a heavy burden had lifted, leaving me feeling reborn.

The Masks We Wear

In our daily lives, we wear numerous masks—the perfect friend, the ideal boyfriend, the dependable guy—all to meet society's expectations. The pressure to appear cool, composed, and serious can be overwhelming.

Yet, from personal experience, I've learned that this perpetual pretense brings discomfort and fear of failure. Striving to fit society's mold only leads to tension and self-deception. The endless act becomes suffocating, leaving us yearning for authenticity and acceptance. It's time to unmask ourselves and embrace our true selves, for it is in vulnerability that we find genuine connections and true happiness.

I Took Off This Mask

There came a point when I grew weary of pretending, and I said to myself, "Enough." Embracing my imperfections, I let go of the quest to be the perfect husband, friend, or parent.

To my surprise, as I embraced authenticity, I noticed people drawn to my genuine approach. Both men and women crave honest, unmasked communication.

Since this shift, I find myself more at ease, and people seem comfortable in my presence. Being true to ourselves is liberating, yet we often live as if we're chasing an elusive prize. Seeking approval from everyone, we lose our freedom, trapped by others' opinions.

However, we can remain authentic while navigating society's rules. Rather than being constrained by them, we can use them wisely to thrive and forge meaningful connections. It's time to be unapologetically ourselves and break free from the shackles of false pretenses.


Why do we cling to a virtual, fictionalized version of ourselves? That false image isn't who we truly are, causing discomfort and inner conflict.

For me, that's not appealing. I value being genuine and want people to see and appreciate the real me from the start. No more hiding behind a facade that will eventually crumble, leaving others to realize the person they thought they knew was just a mirage. Let's embrace authenticity and build meaningful connections based on truth.


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